Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hello Blog, it's been a while.....

Wow, 2 1/2 years since I blogged. I debated about whether to just delete this blog and start over but since it is already set up and running I took the easy way out and will just continue on. Hopefully I will manage to post a little more often than once every 2 years, LOL.

I have been sucked into the Casey Anthony trial on television like a moth to fire. I come home from work each morning and sit glued to the television watching forensic experts detailing everything from trash to botany. I have already decided that she killed her poor baby and am watching and hoping that the jury sees that also. I heard a report this morning that her parents have acknowledged that they don't think that she is innocent but that they don't want her to get the death penalty. I think it is pretty telling for her own parents to admit that they think that she did it. I do hope that she gets the death penalty. If she manages to get herself put on the witness stand, I am sure that she can talk herself into a trip to the "chamber" . The prosecution will have a field day with her. What do you think about the case?


mamahasspoken said...

I've been watching the trial most days and find it all so interesting. Yes I think she is guilty and I think her lawyer is just out to make a name for himself.

Patty said...

Looking back, what an ending! I can remember the moment I saw the verdict. We were checking into a hotel and the people in the lobby were commenting at the big screen tv. Did you watch the Jodi Arias trial?