Saturday, January 12, 2008


I have had 4 days off and tonight I have to go back to work. The days off are wonderful but having to go back after so many off really stinks. I used to really love my job but with my hip hurting all the time, it has quickly became a job I hate. I spend my entire last day off dreading go back the next day. I am looking for something else in the hospital, that will involve less physical lifting and walking. I have put so many years into the place that I don't want to have to go anywhere else. I don't think that there is anywhere else that I could go in my area that I could make as much money as I make now. I guess I will just keep sucking it up and eating NSAIDS and keep on keeping on.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Jinkies, how did it get to be 2008 already

Wowsa, talk about time flying. It has been almost a month since I blogged. A holiday, a birthday and a death ago.

Christmas was quite, my hip was hurting so I did not go the big celebration at my sisters. I just stayed home and watched movies. I did not decorate this year so there was nothing to undecorate and that was nice. :)

My 45th birthday was yesterday. I am amazed that I am that old, how did that happen, just yesterday, or maybe last week ;) I was 29 and my kids were all still young. Now I am older than dirt, full of arthritis and bursitis and basically falling apart. It really stinks getting older.

My grandmother passed away on the 6th and she was buried on my birthday. She was 87 and in poor health so it was actually a blessing, she is not suffering any longer. She and my grandfather were married for 67 years on Christmas eve. Both news stations in my local area did really nice stories on them and my grandfather told his secrets for being happily married that long, they were "you have to love each other", and "I stayed out of her hair mostly" . It was funny because he worked as a policeman on the 3-11 shift for years and in the mornings from 8am to 11:30am he worked in his own auto upholstery shop. They had breakfast and lunch together everyday and he came home for his supper break and drank a carnation instant breakfast every night at 7 when he was working. So he was really out of her hair most of the time. They were a very special couple.