Monday, December 17, 2007

Hair Salons and Snickerdoodles

This morning was my every 6 week hair appointment. I love going to the salon. I have a great stylist, she reminds me of the character that Queen Latifah portrayed in Beauty Shop. She is loud, outspoken and friendly. I love visiting with her, she always has a funny story about her family or some adventure that she has had. Add this to the fact that she is a great stylist and you just can't go wrong. I get a cut and color every 6 weeks. It is a really more money than I should spend but my hair is really short and if I wait longer than 6 weeks it doesn't really style like it should and since God decided that it would be funny to send me gray hair starting in my 20s and getting more pronounced every decade since then, I have to have my hair colored. Isn't it funny, how going to the salon makes you feel good about yourself when you leave there :) .

After I left the salon, I went by Big Lots and didn't find much there but I did find my favorite cookies, Snickerdoodles. Stauffer's makes them and they are so yummy. I picked up 2 boxes and a bag of Gingerbread men. I was really weak willed when I got to the cookie isle :) . I love shopping there, it is like a treasure hunt :).

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Old fashioned Hot Cocoa

I was at my favorite thrift store a few months ago and found a Mr Coffee Cocomation machine for only $3.00. I passed it up the first time but after I got home and thought about how yummy hot cocoa would be on a cold dreary winter's day I went back a few days later and lady luck was riding shotgun with me because it was still there, waiting patiently on the shelf for me to come back and purchase it. I used it for the second time this morning, I made a cup of delicious old fashioned hot cocoa complete with mini marshmellows dropped in it. It was so yummy and it made me remember why I don't like the envelopes full of powder pretending to be hot chocolate :) . Now if I just had a blueberry scone, I would be in bliss :) .

I am reading a really good book, I started it a couple of days ago and hope to complete it over the weekend when I am off work. It is The Seance by Heather Graham. It is really good so far, murder mystery, ghost story, romance, it has it all rolled up into one novel. :) It is the first book that I have read by this author, even though I have a few of her others in Mount To Be Read :) .

As always, I am proclaiming my intention to blog more reliably. Hopefully I will be blog again tomorrow. :)

Monday, December 3, 2007

Magnificant Monday

Well, I am a decidely poor blogger. I have the best of intentions of blogging everyday and here is it weeks later and I am entering my second entry :) .

I am trying to get motivated to do a little Christmas decorating. It is so hard to pull out the tree and the decorations when it is still so warm outside. If the temps would drop for any length of time I would be more apt to get around to it. All the kids are grown and we are not having Christmas at our house so it is not really a big deal if I do or don't. :)

It is a glorious day outside today, temps in the 60s, sunshine and lots of fat little birds hopping around in the pasture. Speaking of birds, the weirdest thing happened earlier today. I was sitting at the dining table reading other blogs when I heard what sounded like a baseball hitting the dining room window. I looked up just in time to see a dark shape fly off to the side of window. When I got up and went to the window to look out, I found a batch of downy like gray feathers stuck to the window. I guess the poor little feathered bird brain :) saw the dark tinting on the window and thought it was an entryway and flew into it. Harley (my sweet puppy) and I went out to see if we could find it but I guess it was just stunned and had flown off because there was nothing around the window.

Well hopefully I will have another entry tomorrow and not in a few weeks. :)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Woo Hoo My first entry

This is my first entry :) . I am new to blogging so I don't know how coherent or relevant this will be but it will be fun. [stands and faces room] "I am Kathy and I am a coffee addict". I love coffee, cappuccino, latte, espresso, mocha, hot, cold, sweet or not, I love em all. I have to have it fully leaded, none of that wimpy noncaf for this ole Texas gal, fully leaded only way for me. I also love a nice scone to go with my gallon of coffee and a good book to read while I am eating and drinking.

Well, I better go start some supper so that the Mr will have something to keep his tummy from rumbling.

I will write more soon.